NTU Research > Publications > Lichens, Plastrons & Soil


Below gives a selected list of the publications from Professor Glen McHale, Dr Mike Newton, Dr Neil Shirtcliffe and colleagues in Nottingham Trent University. Postprints of some papers are available by clicking on the links provided. Users who are registered with the ACS can click on the "Via ACS Server" links and logon to obtain a free copy of the article.

Complete list | Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading | Lichens, Plastrons & Soil | Interfacial Slip & Drag Reduction | Liquid Marbles & Electrowetting | Wetting & Spreading | Surface Acoustic Waves | Quartz Crystal Microbalances | Selected Others

J. Bachmann and G. McHale,
Superhydrophobic surfaces: A model approach to predict contact angle and surface energy of soil particles,
Eur. J. Soil Sci. 60 (3) (2009) 420-430. View postprint pdf

G. McHale, N.J. Shirtcliffe, M.I. Newton and F.B. Pyatt,
Implications of ideas on super-hydrophobicity for water repellent soil,
Hydrol. Proc. 21 (17) (2007) 2229-2238. View postprint pdf

G. McHale, N.J. Shirtcliffe, M.I. Newton, F.B. Pyatt and S.H. Doerr,
Self-organisation of hydrophobic soil and granular surfaces,
Appl. Phys. Letts. 90 (5) (2007) Art. No. 054110. View postprint pdf

N.J. Shirtcliffe, F.B. Pyatt, M.I. Newton and G. McHale,
A lichen protected by a superhydrophobic and breathable structure,
J. Plant Physiol. 163 (11) (2006) 1193-1197. View postprint pdf

N.J. Shirtcliffe, G. McHale, M.I. Newton, C.C. Perry and F. B. Pyatt,
Plastron properties of a super-hydrophobic surface,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 (10) (2006) Art 104106. View postprint pdf

N.J. Shirtcliffe, G. McHale, M.I. Newton, F.B. Pyatt and S.H. Doerr,
Critical conditions for the wetting of soils,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 (9) (2006) Art. 094101. View postprint pdf

G. McHale, M.I. Newton and N.J. Shirtcliffe,
Water repellent soil and its relationship to texture and hydrophobicity,
Eur. J. Soil Sci. 56 (4) (2005) 445-452. View postprint pdf